Patented FreshFlower-CBD process
Dutch Cannabis Processing (DCP) grows, harvests and produces FreshFlower-CBD oil for the production of the SanaCan
products. This is done differently than all other producers of CBD oil in the world.
We are proud to be the only producer in the world to work with fresh hemp flowers grown by ecological
agriculture. With this Dutch innovation, the cannabinoids and terpenes are extracted from the fresh plant
material and processed into a high-quality FreshFlower-CBD oil in which all components are in synergy with each other.
We manage the entire production process – from seed to finished product. The entire process from plant to
customer is done in the Netherlands. First, the hemp seeds are germinated and selected for quality. The germinated seeds are planted on an ecological farm in the Netherlands. At the end of the summer, when the plants are ready
to harvest, the flower tops are harvested manually to protect the components (cannabinoids and terpenes) as
much as possible.
On the same day of harvesting, the flower tops are processed into CBD oil.
On the same day of harvesting, the flower tops are processed into CBD oil.
DCP continuously invests in development of its technology and actively protects its technology with the following patents:
- WO2019240581
- EP3807385
- US2021189287