History of CBD
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has made a name for itself throughout history. The earliest references to
cannabis, 5000 BC, come from Asia, where Cannabis was used for the manufacture of rope, textiles and paper.
The first written record of medicinal cannabis use probably comes from China, dating back to 2737 BC. The
Chinese Emperor Sheng Nung first started using it in his tea to help with pain relief, memory loss, malaria, and
CBD belongs to the so-called cannabinoids. About 100 substances belong to the group of cannabinoids of which
CBD and THC are best known. Fiber hemp contains over 500 different components such as the cannabinoids,
terpenes and flavonoids.
Cannabinoids are divided into three groups:
- Phytocannabinoids - 'Phyto' means plant-based, produced by plants
- Endocannabinoids - Endo" means "inside“, cannabinoids produced by the human body
- Synthetic cannabinoids - These are artificially created cannabinoids, produced in a laboratory
Hemp and Marihuana are plants that both belong to the same genus, Cannabis Sativa, but they are very
different from each other. Hemp plants contain low levels of the intoxicating phytocannabinoid known as
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), for which marihuana is well known. It does, however, contain high levels of the
non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD).
Although not everything is still scientifically determined, CBD oil offers support for many physical and mental
complaints. Positive experiences are reported with: stress -related complaints, sleeping problems, depression
and various pain complaints, ADHD, migraine and rheumatic complaints. Many doctors are enthusiastic about
its therapeutic effect.
The cannabinoids work on the EndoCannabinoid System (ESC) which is a complex cell-signaling system
identified in the early 1990s by researchers. The ECS plays a role in regulating a range of functions and processes
in the human body, including:
- Sleep
- Stress
- Mood
- Pain
- Muscle formation
- Reproduction and fertility