The only CBD oil in the world
made from fresh hemp flowers!
Based on our unique and patented bio-botanical process
Why FreshFlower-CBD?
The downsides of Dried Cannabis plant material.

Almost all natural CBD oils on the market are based on dried plant material. The most common way to process a CBD oil from dried plant material is called ‘critical CO2 processing’. This is a complicated and expensive process that has not been developed for cannabis plants. The result of this process is a paste that contains CBD but is also full of other, unwanted and fouling components. This paste is then dissolved in an oil to a certain concentration. This is the most common CBD oil sold on the market but has several downsides:
the power of Fresh Flower
- Harvest and production of the flowers is one the same day!
- More active components (cannabinoids and terpenes) in fresh flowers compared to dried flowers.
- Possibility to produce a full-spectrum CBD-oil with higher potency on the terpenes
- Ecological cultivated in the Netherlands. No harmful chemicals and pesticides are used during cultivation
Dry plant material
- The critical CO2 process allows for many contaminants; this also increases the risk of allergic components
- Often the CBD oil is sold in relatively high concentrations (4%, 5% or even 10%) which is counter-effective; high CBD doses often reduce the efficacy and micro-dosing is best
- Such CBD oils are often consumed as droplets under the tongue: this is a complicated and non-effective way of consumption suggesting a ‘direct effect’ which cannot be expected from a CBD-oil
- CBD oils from dried cannabis plants are often sold as ‘full spectrum CBD’ which falsely promises that all original medicinal components from the plant are maintained. Only fresh cannabis plants offer the complete spectrum of beneficial elements.
Patented Bio-Botanical Process
Dutch Cannabis Processing (DCP) produces CBD oil following an unique Patented Bio-Botanical Process. We are the only producer in the world to work with fresh hemp flowers grown by ecological agriculture. With this Dutch innovation, the flower tops are processed into a high-quality FreshFlower-CBD oil on the same day of harvesting

Ideal dosage by microdosing!
Start slow, start low!
Dosing CBD can be tricky, there are no universal guidelines when it comes to dosing CBD. Various factors can influence the dosage and every person is different. It is therefore important to build up the dose slowly by microdosing. This technique involves taking small amounts and build up slowly till you find the perfect dose for you.
Made with Fresh hemp flowers!
Dutch Cannabis Processing (DCP) grows, harvests and produces FreshFlower-CBD oil differently than other producers of CBD oil. We are the only producer in the world to work with fresh hemp flowers! Once the plants have been harvested, they enter our patented production process the same day.

Designed for specific problems!
FreshFlower-CBD is the basis for the SanaCan CBD oils which are specially developed for specific problems. The SanaCan product line consist of 3 CBD oils.
- SanaCan SleepQuality: helps to find a better sleep
- SanaCan MentalBalance: contributes to normal mental performance
- SanaCan MuscleFunction: contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function
Pleasant taste!
The taste of CBD oil is sometimes described as bitter, plant-like or earthy. Some people even describe it as “dirty”.
Some people get used to the taste or take the CBD oil together with something else, such as a piece of bread to mask the taste. To make the taste of CBD oil more pleasant, essential oils are part of the SanaCan formulas. In addition to the fact that essential oils have a health-promoting effect¹, they also provide a pleasant taste.

Discover more

CBD is a naturally occurring cannabis constituent typically sourced from industrially grown hemp plants. It is a cannabinoid that interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system, which regulates mood, pain sensations, and a variety of bodily functions.

We are proud to be the only CBD oil producer in the world to work with fresh hemp flowers.
The fresh flowers are harvested and produced into CBD oil on the same day! Take a deeper look into the process of FreshFlower-CBD.
The fresh flowers are harvested and produced into CBD oil on the same day! Take a deeper look into the process of FreshFlower-CBD.
Explore the possiblities of FreshFlower-CBD
SanaCan products are the only CBD products in the world made with FreshFlower-CBD oil.
Are you looking for private label CBD products? We develop private label products for licensing partners.
Do you have a question about FreshFlower-CBD or another question?
Do not hesitate to contact us.